Heroes are essential

We all have people around us whom we admire for their qualities. They are the real heroes in our lives. But heroes may not be always 'around' us. We can find them on the internet too. Over time I have developed a set of online heroes, whom I follow for their qualities. So how do I... Continue Reading →

Working with Engineers

Designers make lot of decisions based purely on intuition. They are wired to think visually. And this can create some amount of ambiguity between designer’s spec and developer’s understanding. Articulating your design decisions will generate trust and confidence within the stakeholders.

Designing for Indian Startups-2

Designing digital products for Indian audience can be different than designing for their Western counterparts. Culture plays a major role while crafting experiences for a product/service. If you are a designer working for Indian startup here are some points that may help you to think from the Indian point of view. Ethnography and UX Ethnographic study... Continue Reading →

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